"Some people only dream of angels; we held one in our arms."

Below you will find Austin's story in multiple parts in order to tell the full story of my pregnancy, his birth, funeral and the months following.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Inspiring Devotional

Came across the following message in my devotional this morning, and thought it might serve as inspiration and positive way to look at our difficult situations.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose"(Romans 8:28, NIV)

Life can be full of ups and downs, twists and turns. We've all had to face challenges and difficulties. But did you know that everything you've been through up until now is getting you prepared for what God is going to do in your future? Nothing in your life has been wasted. Every disappointment, every setback, every person that did you wrong, every lonely night, God is going to turn around and use for your good!

During the difficult times, we grow and mature. That's when our faith is stretched and our character is developed. God didn't send that hardship, but He'll use it to get you prepared for your next step. Those adversities will help make you and mold you into the person you are called to be.

You may be experiencing tough times today, but remember, nothing is ever wasted. Have the attitude that says, "This is a new day. Things are shifting in my favor. This difficulty is not going to stop me. It's going to promote me. It was meant to bring me down, but I know the truth; God is going to use it to lift me up and lead me into victory all the days of my life."


  1. Inspirational post! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow! 1. i came across this very passage the other day and 2. My pastor preached on change and turnaround yesterday. Thank you for this you put a smile on my face.

  3. What a beautiful reminder. Although most days I feel like I am stretched more than I can bear. But He is faithful=).

  4. Very well said. I whole heartedly agree with this message. At first I struggles with my faith, and some days I still do, but I know that he is still there at the end of the day just waiting to comfort me. *HUGS*

  5. Beautiful Meredith. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing! Beautiful!

    Hey I wrote Austin's name in the snow today! E mail me scbualoo4@yahoo.com and I'll reply with the pic!

