"Some people only dream of angels; we held one in our arms."

Below you will find Austin's story in multiple parts in order to tell the full story of my pregnancy, his birth, funeral and the months following.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Introducing Julia

Just as Katy introduced me to all of you wonderful women, I also want to introduce Andrea, and her Christmas angel, Julia, at her new blog, http://juliachristmasangel.blogspot.com. I hope the link works, as I know Andrea could benefit from the support of all of us, who unfortunately are all enduring the grief and sorrow of losing our babies, yet becoming stronger as a result of the great support from one another.
Andrea~ I hope you will find this as therapeutic as I have found online journaling to be... xoxo!


  1. I will be sure to visit Andrea's blog. I know this has been therapeutic to me.

  2. i tried to click the link but it did not work for me. is that the address of the actual blog also?

  3. The link does not work, but here is the blog address http://juliachristmasangel.blogspot.com. Thanks for introducing another sister!

  4. Thanks Meredith :) I have been finding that writing helps me to focus my thoughts, to ground me so that I may continue forward.

    I look forward to connecting with all of you and have already found consolation in reading some of your blogs (through Meredith's page). Thanks :)
